Parkhaven Community

We have created this page on our website just for you. Below you will find valuable information on how to better take care of your lawn, watering instructions and so much more. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to us via email: we are here to help.

Watering Your Bermuda Lawn

We have recently aerated and seeded every lawn in Parkhaven with a hybrid bermuda grass seed. This means it is time for you to water daily. For optimal success you must keep the seed and soil moist. It will need consistent watering and care to ensure optimal germination.
Watering Instructions
Water 3 to 4 times daily to keep the seed and soil surface most. The ground must never Dry. Typically watering 4 to 5 times daily for 5 to 10 minutes for about 3 weeks is recommended. You may water less it just depends on the weather. 
Important & Helpful Lawn Tips
Water Often - Highly Recommended - More frequent watering but not too much. The goal here is to keep the ground moist not wet. It cannot dry but we do not want to drown the seed and cause the seed to run off. It is advised to check out the lawn every couple of hours to see if you need to water more.
Ground Cover - Highly Recommended - If you are able to (not completely necessary) put down a thin layer of compost. This is great for newly seeded lawns. This helps to keep the seed moist and helps with seed to soil contact. We like Pete Moss and lawn soil which can be purchased at Lowes or Home Depot. Both work great and will benefit your lawn tremendously. I personally prefer compost. You will need quite a few bags of compost to cover your lawn. To the right you will see a great example of how you should top dress your lawn with a compost soil.
Watering Your Bermuda LawnTop Dressing Lawn

Products We Recommend For Watering And Ground Cover

Here are some links to various places to purchase all recommended products. These are the same products we personally use and recommend to all our clients. If you need help setting these up please do let us know.
Links To Purchase Recommended Products
Lawn Soil (top dressing) Home Depot: CLICK HERE
Lawn Soil (top dressing) Lowes: CLICK HERE
B-Hyve Wifi Hub Amazon: CLICK HERE
B-Hyve 4 Zone Watering System Amazon: CLICK HERE
B-Hyve 4 Zone Watering System Home Depot: CLICK HERE
B-Hyve Wifi Hub Lowes: CLICK HERE
B-HyveB-Hyve Wifi Hub
B-Hyve Watering System
This is the system we like. You can purchase the wifi hub also which is recommended. This allows control from anywhere in the world.

One of the great things about this system is that it has an automatic rain delay based on the weather in your area. You will need the wifi hub and app installed on your phone to work.

This system plugs directly into your water hose spigot.
Another great thing about this system is you can run these hoses in the ground to hide them. Here is a perfect example of a Parkhaven resident who buried his/her hoses only to expose the orbit sprinkler. For many of the lawns in Parkhaven this is really all you need for the front.
Orbit Sprinkler Hidden In Mulch Bed

Note From Local Turf Pros

It is a pleasure working with your community. We appreciate all of you who have offered us water while working and for all of you who have stopped us to ask questions and get to know us. You are all amazing people. We appreciate your trust and value the relationship with your community.

Jonathan Smith 
Fertilization & Weed Control - Local Turf Pros
Licensed - Insured - Bonded
TN Charter #: 5677


Local Turf Pros
800 Park Ave M, Murfreesboro, TN 37129
(615) 801-TURF (8873)
Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 6am to 7pm
Saturday: 9am to 7pm
Sunday: Closed
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