Watering Your Bermuda Lawn
We have recently aerated and seeded every lawn in Parkhaven with a hybrid bermuda grass seed. This means it is time for you to water daily. For optimal success you must keep the seed and soil moist. It will need consistent watering and care to ensure optimal germination.
Watering Instructions
Water 3 to 4 times daily to keep the seed and soil surface most. The ground must never Dry. Typically watering 4 to 5 times daily for 5 to 10 minutes for about 3 weeks is recommended. You may water less it just depends on the weather.
Important & Helpful Lawn Tips
Water Often - Highly Recommended - More frequent watering but not too much. The goal here is to keep the ground moist not wet. It cannot dry but we do not want to drown the seed and cause the seed to run off. It is advised to check out the lawn every couple of hours to see if you need to water more.
Ground Cover - Highly Recommended - If you are able to (not completely necessary) put down a thin layer of compost. This is great for newly seeded lawns. This helps to keep the seed moist and helps with seed to soil contact. We like Pete Moss and lawn soil which can be purchased at Lowes or Home Depot. Both work great and will benefit your lawn tremendously. I personally prefer compost. You will need quite a few bags of compost to cover your lawn. To the right you will see a great example of how you should top dress your lawn with a compost soil.