Type: Broadleaf
Traits: Spreading
Life Cycle: Winter Annual
Appearance: Speedwell commonly infests lawns and landscaped areas. There are many varieties of Speedwell; however, each variety has a couple of features in common. First, the flowers on the Speedwell are four petaled and are either blue or white. When the seed pods develop, they are heart shaped. The leaves of the speed well are medium green and hairy.
Speedwell germinates as temperatures begin to cool; therefore, it is important to apply a preemergent herbicide when speedwell seeds will germinate. You want to choose an herbicide that is designed for broadleaf weeds. A post emergent herbicide should be used after Speedwell germinates. Catching the weed early will help improve the effectiveness of your weed killer.
Local Turf Pros can help you achieve a weed free lawn with our weed control program.